By Samantha Edwards
September is National Preparedness Month. It's a great time to evaluate our homes and our ability to stay safe when disaster strikes. As midwesterners, we are used to severe storms and tornadoes. But do we know all of the different actions we can take to stay safe? It is critical to take cover when severe weather strikes. Don't stand on your porch and watch the storm roll in. The safest place to take cover is in an interior room with no windows on the lowest floor of a building. It is also a good idea to have emergency kits available in your home and car, regardless of where you live. You can purchase an already-assembled kit through the American Red Cross, or you can put one together yourself. Examples of products include: a radio, flashlights, non-perishable food and bottled water and wound care supplies.

When preparing your emergency kit think about the people and pets living in your home. Have pet food and a water dish on hand in case you are sheltering for awhile. Store some comforting toys to help children cope such as coloring book and crayons, games and stuffed animals. If you take daily medications, be sure to have those available in your kit.

The American Red Cross has a free Emergency app for smart phones and tablets. This app montiors weather in desired locations, tells you when you need to take shelter and will help you prepared for the different emergencies you or your family may encounter. As disasters occur more frequently, those of us with the American Red Cross, hope that you utilize this information to keep your families safe. Learn more about preparedness here.