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Nice to Meet You: Lisa Gallentine

Have you ever wondered how blood drives and Red Cross blood collections operations work? Success is largely dependent on teams of people dedicated to building relationships with donors and blood drive hosts, and developing strategies to get people through the doors to give. Lisa Gallentine leads one of these teams in her position as Donor Recruitment Manager. She took the time to share information about her position and her motivation for our "Nice to Meet You" series.

Q: What does your title mean and where are you based?

A: I am based out of Omaha. I provide leadership and coaching for my team focusing on personal development, prospecting new partners, donor relations, goal achievement and time management. I help identify, develop and implement creative strategies to attract potential blood drive sponsors and existing blood partners or donors for special collection programs.

There are some days I would say my title means "Master of Disaster." On any given day, my team could have 11 blood drives going out on the road. There are a lot of moving pieces to a blood drive. Sometimes things don’t go as planned and there may be an issue or two. I work with my team to solve those issues.

Q: How long have you been with the Red Cross?

A: It was 11 years in July.

Q: What do you like most about your job?

A: It is my team! I have the privilege of managing a wonderful group of people that have become family.

Q: Can you take us through a typical work day for you? What are you working on?

A: I am mostly meeting with my team, doing one on ones discussing performance, logistics of blood drives and important topics. I help liaison the BioMed committee and work to be a great BioMed partner for our other lines of service.

Q: What do you do when you aren’t working?

A: I sleep.

Q: What is your favorite thing about where you live?

A: In addition to many cities in Nebraska, I have lived in Massachusetts, California and Utah. My favorite thing about being back in Nebraska is being close to family. “Nebraska. Honestly, it’s not for everyone” but it is everything to me.

Q: What is a Red Cross moment that’s stuck with you?

A: When a close friend of mine had an apartment fire it was mass chaos. As soon as the Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicle showed up and our volunteers started working their magic, nerves were calmed and people knew everything was going to be okay.

Q: What do you wish people knew about working at the Red Cross?

A: That there are different lines of service that are here to help in a time of need!

Q: Is there anything you’d like to add?

A: I am a dog mom! I have three dogs, Jake, Rupert and Max that are my kids.

Looking to give blood? We've got you covered. Visit to find a blood drive near you.

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