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Writer's pictureNEIA Red Cross

Five Reasons to be a Blood Donor Ambassador

Did you know that volunteers are critical to the success of blood drives? These volunteers are Blood Donor Ambassadors. They check people in, ease nerves and discomfort and work to make sure that giving blood is an enjoyable experience.

We need more blood donor ambassadors. Duane Anderson is a dedicated blood donor ambassador, and he answered some questions to encourage others to sign up. Learn more about Anderson's experience, and then visit!

Why did you decide to become a volunteer Blood Donor Ambassador?

I decided to volunteer with the American Red Cross knowing that they did a lot of good work. I decided to work with their blood services unit rather than any other area because I was more familiar with that group after years of donating blood myself. I met some great volunteers in my years of donating.

What do you enjoy about the role of Blood Donor Ambassador?

I enjoy meeting the donors. I like working at companies rather than the fixed sites because you become a little more familiar with some of the regular donors.

Could you share a moment from a blood drive that really sticks with you?

One drive that sticks out in my mind was a drive at Buildertrend in Omaha. They had a drive where everyone on the appointment list showed up. It was the first time that had ever happened when I had worked a drive, and has only happened one other time in my nine years.

Do you have a personal connection to blood donation or the American Red Cross you would like to share?

Both my wife and daughter needed blood or platelets when they gave birth to their first child after having health issues. It just confirmed my need to keep on donating blood, not that I ever planned on stopping.

What would you say to encourage others to volunteer as Blood Donor Ambassadors with the Red Cross?

I would encourage others by saying that they are working with a great organization with American Red Cross, doing an important job so the phlebotomists can spend more time with the donors taking their blood products than welcoming them in and signing them up in the computer system.

Are you ready to be a blood donor ambassador? Sign up today at

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