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Nice to Meet You: Rob Wisniewski

Our work on a disaster response begins long before a disaster even happens. It is the job of our Disaster Cycle Services team members and volunteers to work with local partners throughout our region and plan ahead for the various disasters that can, and sometimes do, impact our communities. Rob Wisniewski is on our Disaster Cycle Services staff, and he took the time to explain his role and his dedication to the Red Cross mission.

Q: Could you explain what your title means and take us through your work day, or the projects you work on?

A: As the Northern and Central Iowa Chapter Disaster Program Manager (DPM), I manage relationships with emergency management, first responders, local partners and maintain an active presence within the chapter's 34 counties. As a DPM, it is our responsibility to maintain the community's readiness posture and provide education to the areas served. We are only able to accomplish this through our amazing volunteer workforce.

Rob feeding a family of chickens while on deployment in Maui.

Q: How long have you been with the Red Cross? Is this your first position with the Red Cross? If not, what was it?

A: This is my first position with the Red Cross. I came onboard in November of 2021.

Q: What do you like about your work?

A: The work I do brings me back to the lessons my grandfather taught me years ago about working for your family, friends and community. Never stop being a light even during someone's darkest days.

Q: What do you like to listen to during the work day?

A: I'm ALL over the board here. It depends on the day. I can go from classical, to sounds of thunderstorms, to 80's, to rap, to country, to rock, to club beats.

Q: In what part of the region are you located, and what do you enjoy about your community?

A. I'm located in Des Moines, Iowa. I think the Midwest overall is great! Our communities are very resilient and kind. We have many humans who seem more concerned with their neighbors over their own struggles.

Q: How do you spend your time when you aren't working?

A: My twin daughters are my whole world! I adore my babies! I also enjoy working out daily, doing anything artistic (have to use my MFA for something) and being active outside whether on my own or with friends.

Q: What has most surprised you while working for the Red Cross?

A: I can honestly say that nothing has surprised me thus far.

Q: What is a Red Cross moment that sticks with you?

A: There are so many moments that stick with me. We have an amazing team here in Nebraska-Iowa, and they all have played a part in the shaping of my approach to the multiple tasks placed upon a disaster program manager. I'd also say that my deployment to Maui at the start of the wildfires was immensely impactful. While the devastation was unfathomable, the survivors showed their calm beauty, which to me is an extension of the land they call home. Many harrowing stories that usually ended with some positive outlook.

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